Freedom of Information Act
1-3 Willow Street Ellesmere
SY12 0AL
The Town Clerk & RFO: Miss J Butterworth
Telephone: 01691 622689
Email address:
Website: www.ellesmere/info Freedom of Information Act.
Under the Freedom of Information Act it is the duty of every Public Authority to adopt and maintain a Publication Scheme. A Publication Scheme facilitates the proactive release of information and plays a crucial role in supporting and providing greater Openness and Transparency across the public sector.
Freedom of Information Act.
Under the Freedom of Information Act it is the duty of every Public Authority to adopt and maintain a Publication Scheme. A Publication Scheme facilitates the proactive release of information and plays a crucial role in supporting and providing greater Openness and Transparency across the public sector.
The Freedom of Information Act .
The Freedom of Information Act grants to members of the public rights of access to information held by a wide range of Authorities.
Information about the Act is available from the Information Commissioner’s Office at:
The Publication Scheme.
The Act requires every Public Body to adopt and maintain a generic Model Publication Scheme. Ellesmere Town Council has adopted the generic model publication scheme and it is intended to provide everyone interested in the Town Council to a comprehensive guide of information that the Town Council will automatically and routinely publish or otherwise make available to the public. A full list of charges under the Model Publication Scheme was adopted by the Town Council on: 7th October, 2013 and is reviewed annually.
Freedom of Information Requests and The Publication Scheme
The publication scheme sets out the information that is routinely available. Information that is not listed in this document can still be requested and it will be made available unless it can legitimately be withheld. This may be done by making a written request to the Town Clerk who will reply within fourteen working days.
The Model Publication Scheme
The Model Publication Scheme has been prepared and approved by the Information Commissioner and may be adopted by any Public Authority. Ellesmere Town Council will indicate clearly what information is covered by the scheme and how it can be obtained. The purpose of the scheme is to make the maximum amount of information available at minimum inconvenience and cost to the public.
The Town Council’s Commitment to the Act.
The Town Council is committed to Openness and Accountability and already makes large amounts of information available to the public through the website, Town Hall notice boards, telephone or post.
The following information is available and can be accessed via the website.
Some information may only be available by viewing in person when an appointment to view will be arranged with the Clerk.
Details of Town Council Members, meetings, agendas and minutes are posted on the web site and agendas are placed on the Town Hall Notice Boards.
Classes of Information:
1 – Who we are and what do we do.
- Contact details for Councillors.
- Contact details for the Clerk and Members.
2 – What we spend and how we spend it.
- Financial Regulations
- Budget and precept setting
- Grants given and received
- Income and expenditure details
- Annual return form and report by external auditor List of current contracts awarded
- Members allowances and expenses.
3 – What are our priorities and how are we doing?
- Annual report to Town and Community Meeting (current and previous year as a minimum)
- Town Plan.
4 – How decisions are made:
- Timetable of Council Meetings.
- Details of Annual Town Meeting.
- Agendas for Meetings. Minutes of all meetings (please note that this will exclude any information that is properly regarded as private to the meeting.) Reports/Appendices presented to meetings.
- Responses to consultation papers.
- Responses to planning applications.
5 – Policies and procedures:
- Standing Orders and Code of Conduct for meetings.
- Committee or sub–committee terms of reference.
- Delegated responsibility in respect of the Clerk.
- Policy Statements.
- Policy and Procedures for provision of services and employment of staff
- Internal policies relating to delivery of services
- Equality and Diversity Policy/Health and Safety Policy/Recruitment Policies and Procedure for handling requests for information.
- Complaints procedure.
- Schedule of Charges (for the Publication Scheme).
6 – Lists and Register:
- Assets Register.
- Register of Member’s Interests. Disclosure Log.
7 – The Services we offer:
- Recreation areas, children’s play areas
- Bus shelters, seating, clocks, litter bins, memorials
- Street lighting
- Public conveniences
- Town Hall
- Market Hall – Tuesday Market Rights
- Joint Owners of Ellesmere Cemetery and The Boathouse
The Council would normally expect the Clerk to understand what information has been requested and to be able to tell you where it can be found. If the information is not what you asked for or need, you should first contact the Clerk. If the information is not available you will be told why. If you believe that your request has not been dealt with fairly and cannot be resolved satisfactorily on an informal basis, you should follow the Town Council’s Complaints Policy. If you have followed the complaints procedure and are still not satisfied with the outcome, you may also contact the Information Commissioner Officer and ask them to investigate the matter further.