Ellesmere Town Council
The Town Council is led by the Mayor, Mr Graham Hutchinson, assisted by the Deputy Mayor, Cllr Liz Woodbridge. There are 12 council seats in total. We are all committed to serving the local community and aim to provide the best possible support to the town and the people who live here. None of us are affiliated to political parties and we do not receive payment. The Town Clerk, Jo Butterworth, and her staff efficiently run the Town Hall and ensure that all legal requirements are met. If anyone has any concerns or matters which they wish to be considered by the Council, please do not hesitate to contact us. Full contact details are available on the website www.ellesmere-tc.gov.uk which also contains a wealth of information about the town and the clubs that already use the building together with forthcoming events.
Everyone is welcome to attend the Council meetings, with the first ten minutes being set aside for members of the public to speak on items on the agenda. Please contact Jo if there is any item you wish to comment on. The dates and times of the meetings are advertised outside the Town Hall and on the website, and are usually held on the first Monday of the month.
Ellesmere is a vibrant market town and we aim to promote tourism to benefit the local economy and to liaise with outside bodies to ensure the best possible outcomes for the community.