Conditions of Hire Ellesmere Town Hall
Adopted by Ellesmere Town Council 3 rd January, 2012
1. All charges in connection with the hire of the premises to be paid within fourteen days of receipt of invoice.
2. The maximum number of persons permitted into the building is 250.
3. Children under the age of 18 years must be supervised at all times.
4. The hirer shall be responsible for any loss or damage to the premises and to the equipment and fittings during the period of hiring and shall make good the same to the satisfaction of the Committee or pay the cost of so doing. Hirers are advised to hold Public Liability Insurance to cover any possible claims against them in respect of functions they have organised. Noise Nuisance must be prevented and stewards must remind people to leave the building quietly.
5. Every care must be taken not to damage the dance floor and dancers must wear suitable foot-wear. Stiletto heels must not be worn unless protected.
6. On Saturdays all dancing must finish by 12.30am, 8pm on Sundays.
7. Organisers of dances must arrange for adequate supervision to maintain good order and conduct during the hiring. One named steward for every 25 people present is required and these must be introduced to the bar licensee prior to the start of the function.
8. The Town Hall is licensed and the licensee is responsible for the sale, supply and consumption of drinks on the premises until 12.30am, 8pm on Sundays.
9. Furniture and equipment shall not be used or placed in gangways and exits and fire exits must not be obstructed.
10. Hirers must ensure that the lights on the front of the Town Hall are put on before darkness falls. The light switch is in the foyer on the right-hand side of the Main door. This is clearly marked. These lights should be left on for the Caretaker. If you lock the building please leave these lights on.
11. Ellesmere Town Council pays the Licence Fee of the Performing Rights Society and the Phonographic Performance Limited and will make an additional charge on the hirer in respect of such fee. Where any other licence permission or consent is necessary the hirer shall be responsible for obtaining same, and shall indemnify the Committee against any breach of the conditions.
12. All furniture, decorations and materials and other articles brought into the premises by the hirer must be removed from the premises as soon as possible after the hiring shall finish.
13. No person to be admitted to a public dance after 10.00 pm and hirers are requested to make suitable annotation to this effect on all tickets, posters and press advertisements.
14. First Aid – Hirers of the Hall are responsible for First Aid at a function which they have organised.
15. Cars parked at the Town Hall are parked at the owners risk.
17. Outside caterers using their own equipment/facilities must have conditions in place to ensure their safe operation.
18. Each group who hire the hall must nominate their own responsible person in case there is a need to evacuate the building in the event of a fire.
19. Each group must take ownership of their belongings in the event of fire.
20. An evacuation plan showing the location of all fire extinguishers, fire exits and fire doors can be located in the reception area and must be read by the nominated fire person.
21. Where the hirer is responsible for providing their own Public Liability Insurance cover a copy must be returned to the office with the booking form.