Ellesmere Town Council is now offering a facility at the Town Hall whereby any member of the public can personally interrogate the digitalised burial entry records for Swan Hill Cemetery from August 1865 to December 1991.

Anybody who wishes to avail themselves of this facility should, in the first instance, contact either of our Assistant Town Clerks Kath Hoskisson or Phil Smith on 01691 622188.

Any viewings will be by appointment on a Tuesday or Thursday between the hours of 9.00 a.m. and 12.00 noon.

If you subsequently require any further information on any specific grave location at the cemetery then please contact the Cemetery Co-ordinator whose details are given below. Please note that there may be a charge made for this service depending on the time involved in locating a specific grave.

Cemetery Co-ordinator

David Jones

The Manse, School Road, Ruyton XI Towns, SY4 1JT

Tel : 01939 260653

e-mail: david.jones@ellesmere-tc.gov.uk
