Shropshire Council – Local Plan Review Meeting 7pm

Dear All


You are invited to a meeting on Thursday 10th January 2019, at Ellesmere Town Hall starting at 7:00pm to hear about the current Site Allocations Consultation Meeting. 


Shropshire Council’s Planning Policy Team launched the preferred Sites Consultation on the 29th  November as part of the Local Plan Review Process and has undertaken to attend public meetings in the large market towns and place plan areas.  Ellesmere Town Council has kindly found us a slot at Ellesmere Town hall  for the 10th January 2019 at 7:00pm.  Dan Cordon from Planning Policy will be present to talk through the process, present the sites currently proposed to form part of the Local Plan Review and to seek your views and opinions.


This Local Plan will set the development strategy up until 2036 so this is an excellent opportunity for people to scrutinise and comment on the proposals.  


Many thanks




Community Enablement Officer,

Shropshire Council
